

Rural | Digital Divide | Angus County Council


In the picture-perfect landscape of Scotland’s seaside Angus County, a transformative digital revolution has quietly taken root. Amidst its rugged beauty, this rural enclave faced a daunting challenge - the digital divide. Traditional approaches to network infrastructure were not financially viable thanks to the county's sparse population and vast terrain. However, Angus County refused to let these obstacles define its digital future.

Embracing the spirit of community cooperation, Angus County came up with some clever and creative ways to cut the traditional costs of network infrastructure. The answer, it seems, was found in their own backyard. Through the ingenious use of existing resources and structures. That, combined with Ceragon’s innovative wireless network technology, made it possible to sidestep the prohibitive costs and complexities typically associated with extensive network infrastructure deployment.

This pioneering approach allowed Angus County to bridge its digital divide efficiently and affordably. It's a testament to the power of community collaboration and resourcefulness. This is just the beginning of Angus County's digital transformation and serves as a great guide to the long list of rural regions globally that are facing similar digital divide challenges.


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Angus study case