28 GHz spectrum license preservation

By Dori Erann 4 min read

FCC says, “use it or lose it”. We are here to help make sure you retain your valuable spectrum.

Many license holders are facing a usage dilemma with their acquired 28 GHz spectrum. According to FCC buildout requirements, 28 GHz license holders must provide evidence of spectrum usage by June 2024 or face automatic cancellation of the license.

While 28 GHz spectrum offers great potential for wireless broadband connectivity, its actual implementation presents challenges not found in lower bands. The physical characteristics of the 28 GHz spectrum make it less attractive for rural applications due to its limited signal propagation and attenuation caused by rain.

As a result, many license holders have tabled any implementation plans for this band, and instead are focusing on more popular bands and fiber deployments. However, time goes by quickly, and while 2024 seems a while away, without a proper plan many license holders will find themselves in a time-crunch to figure out a usage solution, or risk losing the spectrum and investment made with the acquisition. Since spectrum is a highly limited, fixed resource, leveraging every band available can make a big difference in the quality of service delivered, as well as creating a competitive advantage.

So, what are your options? A well-designed point-to-point mmW network capable of supporting wide channels (few vendors offer this) can effectively and reliably offer gigabit capacities - today. This capacity can be monetized in various ways such as:

  • Last-mile connectivity for enterprise or residential customers
  • Fiber backup
  • Capacity augmentation
  • Cell site backhaul
  • Internet of things – IoT - (backhaul for a network of sensors)
  • Security (e.g. CCTV) or other mission-critical purposes

If your monetization strategy is still undefined, a minimally required one link per 67K pop within a service area for internal purposes meets FCC’s buildout requirements. Ceragon works with customers to examine the service area and help design the proper installation

Are you CAPEX constrained? But want to meet the buildout requirement? Ceragon can address this challenge with its network-as-a-service offering. In simple terms, the License holder/operator provides the license, tower/site space, and electricity, and Ceragon provides the radio equipment, engineering, design, installation, commissioning, operations, and maintenance of the network. All for a convenient monthly installment with minimal or no capital upfront investment.


If capital resource is not an issue, then we can work together on a traditional CAPEX model with a post-sale support component to ensure business continuity. Or if you are looking for flexibility, we offer a combined CAPEX/OPEX solution. Our experience and expertise in the market have enabled us to create flexible financial planning for customers. Our team can customize a solution that empowers customers to retain their 28 GHz license while meeting budgetary requirements as well.


Reach out to Ceragon for a FREE consultation on how our network-as-a-service offering can help you preserve your valuable spectrum asset while giving you ample flexibility to plan your future strategy.

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