When it comes to wireless transmission, a solution is typically selected based on its value to the service provider. More capacity allows you to be more competitive and address the growing demand for data.
Higher system gain allows you to save in tower load by using smaller antennas or to extend your footprint by reaching new customers at greater distances.
By using fewer resources to provide these benefits, you get additional value - increasing your operational efficiency by reducing power-related expenses, saving real estate, overcoming spectrum congestion, and even increasing your staff productivity.
The key enabler for these benefits is technology. If you look under the hood of any wireless transport solution, you can find the key components, technology, and system integration that result in the overall value for you. For this reason, these are also the main differentiators between different solutions.
Ceragon’s solutions are based on its wireless backhaul technology, which uniquely and efficiently addresses modern network challenges such as ultra-high capacity and network densification. Our technology provides a highly-reliable, high-capacity wireless backhaul infrastructure with minimal use of spectrum, power, real estate, and labor. This in turn gives you both increased productivity and simple and quick network modernization.
At the heart of these solutions is our unique multicore chipset, which addresses the new challenges introduced by ultra-broadband networks. This chipset is designed by Ceragon for advanced wireless backhaul operations and is based on 20 years of accumulated know-how. This allows you to continuously increase your operational efficiency and provide a better quality of experience for your customers.
Whether your challenge is delivering more network capacity, coping with a lack of microwave spectrum, reducing spectrum costs, minimizing the use of real estate to ensure that headroom is kept available, reducing costly energy expenses, or increasing your staff productivity – this is your ultimate choice.
Ceragon provides the most comprehensive portfolio of wireless backhaul solutions to meet today’s and tomorrow’s network challenges!
This is done through vertical integration. Ceragon develops Radio-Frequency-Integrated-Circuit System-on-Chip (RFIC SoC) and Mix Signal Modem SoC to create multicore solutions – the most optimized, efficient, and effective wireless backhaul solutions for you.
Ceragon’s in-house multi-disciplinary expert R&D teams develop Application-Specific-Integrated-Circuit / Very-Large-Scale-Integration (ASIC/VLSI), RFIC, RF systems, and signal processing algorithms and integrate all of them into advanced cutting-edge solutions.
Moreover, with more than two million of our RFIC devices and more than 500K of our modem ASICs, we can guaranty an extremely reliable solution.
Our technology covers frequency bands, channel sizes, and modulations and gives you the cutting-edge and future-proof solutions you need for peace of mind.
Because at the end of the day – our technology is your value!
Click learn more about Ceragon IP-20 Platform