Here’s a dilemma for you…
Next Tuesday you will have to live an entire day without one of the following: electricity, gas, water, transportation of any kind, or telecommunications of any kind.
Which service would you choose to cut?
What if you had to live without two of these? What if you were forced to choose only one that will work?
While I did not run a large-scale survey on this, my guess is that not many of you would want to live without telecom services.
You can charge your batteries, cook your food and store enough water in advance, and these days transportation seems a bit redundant. But you can't work, play, entertain or socialize without telecom services.
The COVID-19 crisis has made it very clear that telecom has become a lifeline. In the last couple of decades, we’ve become so dependent on connectivity that we can safely say that telecom is one of the latest members of the “essential utilities” club.
This affects service providers (fixed and mobile) and regulators as they plan, develop, build, maintain and optimize the telecom infrastructure in their region or country. People and businesses (not to mention municipalities, educational institutions, health facilities, etc.) are heavily dependent on their telecom connectivity. This means that telecom infrastructure needs to be built in a manner that will support continuous, adaptive, reliable and quality service to all subscribers.
This requires certain levels of scalability and flexibility in the telecom network infrastructure that will allow it to handle changes in demand and in the environment. Your network must be able to address many unforeseen occasions under which service needs to be provided in order to maintain a normal course of living.
And yes, the latest circumstances are extremely unusual. They do, however, act as an excellent test of your 4G, 5G, fixed or mobile network ability to stretch, adapt and, at the end of the day, act as an essential utility.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog.
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